How could Salmonella Tpyhi be prevented?

    In order to successfully prevention Salmonella Typhi, avoid consuming contaminated drinking water and food supplies. Because humans are the only source of this bacterium, it is possible to control the direction of which Salmonella Typhi will head by proper hygiene, waste management, purifying water, and treating the infected. In developed societies, these steps are experienced, leading to the low infection rate. Annually, there are about 400 infections in the United States, all of which the infected people have previously traveled to developing countries. Prevention can also occur through vaccinations to the bacterium, however the effectiveness of this has been questionable. However, if there are large ammounts of this bacterium in your body, it could still pass through your immunity and cause disease. Traces of Salmonella Typhi can be found in human's blood stream and stool. So, in order to prevent the bacterium, limit travel to developing societies and if not, take the proper precautions and treatments.