So where would you find Salmonella Typhi?

   The United States, as well as Canada, Japan, and Australia do not contain the virus Salmonella Typhi. This goes for all of the industrialized nations. Developing nations such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America are known to carry this virus. It seems to be residing in polluted water mainly, which can be found all over the developing nations. So, travels from industrialized nations to developing nations have a greater risk of developing the virsus. Based on recent studies, travelers from the United States to developing nations have been found to delevope the virus very quick.  

How will Salmonella Typhi effect you?

    Once you have been exposed to the bacterium, you will develope a specific type of disease. This disease is known as typhoid or enteric fever. When you develope this disease, it will suddenly cause fever, severe and uncontrollable headaches, nausea, and an extreme loss of appetite. These are the main symptoms, although, there are more. You may experience constipation or diarrhea, a sudden enlargement of the spleen, a developement of meningitis, and/or general malaise. If Typhoid fever is developed a doctor should be contacted immediately and it should also be treated immediately. If you do not get treated for this disease, it could result in death, with a 12-30% chance for survival. Whereas if you are treated, there is a 99% survival rate.